Sunday, April 17, 2011


As I was in the shower this morning something happened...the water was streaming as normal but when i heard the intake from the pipe, signalling a change in water pressure, i quickyly moved out from under the water into the corner of my wasn't until afterwards that i realized something...i haven't made that move since i lived in dorm 3 years previous...

you see when i lived in dorm i learned quickly that when you hear that intake from the pipe it meant that somewhere in our two floors someone was flushing a toilet which meant you got hit by scalding water...which meant a quick move to the corner to escape the burn...

i hadn't made that move since i was in dorm three years ago...but at the first sign of the same old encounter i reacted as though it had happened yesterday...and quickly moved to the corner...

it's funny how some habits die so hard...i moved so quickly to avoid a burn that so far in my past had always been there after that sign...but today the sign was there and no burn...but i jumped out of the way avoid it...


Blogger Lauren said...

moving on instinct is part of being human. Sometimes this is for the better, other times maybe not so much. But breaking these habits aren't easy. It takes hard work and dedication... so if you're serious about making the change, make sure you've thought about it- and best of luck!

3:27 PM, April 17, 2011  

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