Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Having No Words

I haven't posted in 2 and a half months...i've sat down and typed things out before but in end they never get posted...the thoughts seem not even random but incoherent to why now? why decide now that i will type these words and leave them for you to read...i don't know but i felt it was about time...

the months have not been's been a rollercoaster for myself...not only with constantly having highs and lows but feelings of being pushed forward and pulled backwards...why does she do this to's not easy with the uncertainty that life has become...i've usually been the optimist...don't worry you'll figure it'll find something you're great'll find it now all just a fairy tale?...

i read a might be asking yourself 'Actually does school work?' and yes i did...i read 'waiting for godot' and one of the thoughts that came up in class was that it was a look at constantly are sitting and waiting for something to happen...for someone to show up...but it never happens...and they never stand in the same place day after day...and all you have is that person doing the same thing...that person to hold you up...

decisions need to be made then in the effort to not stand become the thing that happens or the person that shows up...for someone else...but decisions to not come easy to those that do not embrace change...i'd much rather stay nice and warm in my shell then become exposed to the elements for fear of falling and getting hurt...maybe we should never have left the sweet comforts of the nest...maybe...

But we do and we walk on our uncertain and uncharted lands...but it does not feel like an feels frightening, dark, and bitter...maybe i should return to my shell...she won't get me there...

as i choose my song of the moment i scan my cd collection...trying to find that one song that best describes my state right doesn't come right away...but as i look over the artists i find it

Song of the Moment: Misunderstood by Dream do i feel abandoned even though the world surrounds me?

thank you come again
stay clean kids...screws fall out everyday the world's an imperfect place