Tuesday, September 28, 2010


how much has changed 125 posts later...well i guess it's really 124...this is 125...don't want to lie to you...so how much has changed...

age: 5 years...man that's an average of one post every two weeks
edumacation: got the degree...but i still know i'll have more schooling to go...lame
dream: still the same...gotta make that album...been working on that a lot lately
relationship: none...but i'm cool with that...but working on it
job: one i love...and one i wish i could do without...but as a friend told me today...i should quit them both to do what i want...hmm
awesomeness: check still there...bask in it;)

there are lots of subtle things that have changed...my surroundings, my friends, the jobs i've had, the places i've been...i looked through the song book i started compiling when i began writing and if that's not a look at eric through the years...i don't know what is

but i look ahead to what the next 5 will hold...

i'll be 28...job situation? album? education? relationship? it doesn't seem that long ago that i was an 18 yr old kid with the same questions...just shows time doesn't have all the answers...but you probably don't see the answers til you look back on the time you spent.

how'd you change in 5 years? how did you spend your time? how will you spend your time?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


you're the muse in my life
when you leave i'll die
you keep my alive

i missed you so bad...

i got asked recently if a girl had to be musically talented for to want to pursue a romantic relationship...my answer surprised her...no...i don't need a musical girl...i need a muse...someone to inspire me through everything...to challenge myself to grow...someone that i need like air...

my friend says well that's a weird answer cuz musical people always seem to find each other and don't stray much outside of that equation...and my answer was when do i follow equations...when does normal apply to myself...

from the guy who works for mobsters...played secret shows under a pseudo name (still feel bad for that one)...got in his first fight in years...and won...

normal does not apply...i don't want normal...i want to need you like air...i want a muse...my songs are for you

Friday, September 03, 2010

i remember

wii boxing
the park bench
garth brooks
new year's day
the zoo
5:30 am phone calls
mario party
the interview

but it didn't take you long to forget
and i guess a part of me is still dealing with that